Sunday, July 14, 2024

Follow "Mightier Acorns" in its New Home

 Hello, Cousins!

About a year ago, I decided to try out a new platform. So if you haven't already visited the new Mightier Acorns site on Substack, please consider this your invitation to do so!

Substack is a little different from Blogger, in that you must set up an account there to subscribe to their content. But you shouldn't have to create an account just to read my posts, and if you decide to create an account so that you can sign up to get my new posts pushed into your inbox twice a week, don't be intimidated by the screens asking for a credit card - you don't have to provide credit card information unless you plan to pay for a subscription (and I don't plan on making Mightier Acorns a paid subscription any time soon).

Meanwhile, I'm still using this site as a reference and for "cousin bait" - I want any cousins who happen to Google their ancestors to be able to find me, and I already sank a lot of work into the archives here.

You can still use the "Contact Me" form (should be to the right, just there ---> ) and if you aren't an obvious spammer and you comment here, I should still see it. Eventually. 

And if you're looking for the books I've published, here they are!

Be well, stay in touch, and take everything one record at a time.


The Callin Family History

This is the one I've been working on for the last several years - it has a BLUE cover with a portrait of the family of George W. Callin (restored and colorized by Claudia D'Souza, the Photo Alchemist). 

It is only available in Hardcover, and he comes in at over 750 pages of pure family history. 

War Poems

This has been my secret side-project for much of the past year. My aunt Vicki inherited a book of poetry written by her great-grandfather, John Henry Callin, and she and I collaborated on transcribing it and editing it for publication.

I figure people who aren't directly related to the Callin family might enjoy this one.

link to War Poems by John H. Callin - they will ask you to verify your age due to "explicit content"; that's mainly because there are some grisly descriptions in a couple of the poems.

The Callin Family History - 1911

This is a replica of the original Callin Family History published by George W. Callin in 1911. It has a RED cover and is much, much smaller than my Big Blue update. If you'd like a copy of this one, you can get it in either paperback or hardcover:

link to the Paperback version

link to the Hardcover version


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