Thursday, November 13, 2014

Photo Feature: Peter Stout Ruth

In the spirit of "No-Shave November," this week's fantastic beard photo comes from Cousin Joan, who calls it "my favorite of my bearded ancestors."

(I'm glad she didn't say "favorite bearded relative"! My poor, fragile vanity...)

Peter Stout Ruth (1812-1894)
in Pomona, CA, 1892

Peter S. Ruth was a lawyer, involved in some politics (possibly as a speechwriter), then Episcopal minister who founded three Episcopal churches around the country, went south to help in the yellow fever epidemic in Tennessee after the Civil War. This picture was taken about 1892 in Pomona, a couple of years before his death, and the location of his last church founding.

Profile of the blogger
as a middle aged man
 If you're following the rest of my posts, you might have noticed that I label them (labels at the bottom) with categories so you can quickly find, say, all of the "Callin" posts that will appear over time.

WTHAT = "Who the Heck Are They?" These are pictures that I have in my physical possession whose subjects are unknown to me. I'm hoping the Internet will recognize them, and maybe someone will let me know who they are.

GBOH = "Great Beards of History!" As a proud beard owner, I love finding examples of stunning facial hair in the family. Yes, sometimes, I will use this to share amazing moustaches, as well.


  1. This is not Mr Ruth his photos are on the Pomona Library site I am his great great granddaughter Lillian Schultz

  2. Please go to Pomona public Library and enter Peter Ruth his photo will come up, this photo is not him. He was my great great grandfather. Lillian Schultz
